The Greater Raleigh Convention and Visitors Bureau (CVB) is part of a prestigious group of destination marketing organizations (DMOs) that have been certified by the Destination Marketing Accreditation Program (DMAP). DMAP is an international accreditation program developed by Washington, D.C.-based Destinations International, with accreditation standards covering a wide variety of topics including governance, finance, management, human resources, technology, visitor services, sales, communications, membership, brand management, destination development, research/market intelligence, innovation and stakeholder relationships.
Having earned the DMAP accreditation, the Greater Raleigh CVB can confidently communicate to its community, buyers and potential visitors a commitment to quality programs and services across 16 domains, including those above.
The destination organization is accredited by the DMAP of Destinations International, 1725 Eye St., N.W., Eighth Floor, Washington, D.C. 20006, U.S.A., Ph. 202.296.7888.